Monday, 28 October 2013

Women Hair Transplant

Women-Hair-loss Hair is hair, whether it belongs to a woman or a man. Then it is natural to think that women hair transplant must be same as men hair transplant. However, in reality, there is a fundamental difference between hair loss pattern and hair transplant in men and women.

Hair loss in men is generally caused hormones. A hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is responsible for killing hair follicles in men. However, this hormone kills hair at hairline and crown in men. The hair on the back and sides of men’s heads has someway developed immunity to this hormone. That is the reason most men do not lose hair from the back and sides of their heads even when they have lost all hair from the hairline and crown. This trait makes them a good candidate for a hair transplant. Hair transplant harvests hairs from balding resistant areas of the head and plants them into the hairless areas.
However, hair loss in women affects in two ways. General thinning of hair all around the head is a common hair loss pattern in women. This creates a dilemma when it comes to women hair transplant. Hair transplant needs healthy donor hair, but women with overall thinning around whole head lack these healthy hairs. Even if the surgeon uses their weak hairs for the transplant, they will lose them in no time, and this makes the whole exercise futile. Before going for transplant, it is necessary to correct hair thinning by investigating the cause and correcting it. Once they have corrected the thinning, they can use transplant to cover up the area where they have lost significant hair.
Not every woman with hair loss experiences overall thinning of hairs. Some women lose hair due to other reasons like continuous traction, wound, or a surgery. In such cases, hair transplant is equally successful for women as it is for men.
Many women experience female pattern baldness,hair loss with a certain pattern. They lose hair from the crown and split of their head while sides and back of their head remain intact. These women are equally good candidates for hair transplant.
Be careful Ladies!And consult a trichologist as soon as you notice something wrong with your hair.

1 comment:

  1. hair loses is most common problem. and mostly people facing the problem of hair loses. Jaipur skin city hospital is provide best hair transplant treatment in India.
